Homey & Sports & Racing >   Leaderboard >   #DRIVE


93 % Ratings:( 100014

About this game

Size :
138.41 Mb
Updated :
February 10, 2022
Developer :
Pixel Perfect Dude
Size :
426.36 Mb
Updated :
February 18, 2022
Developer :
Pixel Perfect Dude

Description & How To Play

【One Sentence Introduction】

This game is a driving simulator in the true sense, with concise and lively lines and relaxing music. You only need to remember the word "driving" in it, and you don't need to think about other complicated things.

【Top10-Game's Recommend】

The capacity of video games now often reaches the level of hundreds of GBs, which is undoubtedly a huge test for the storage space of our devices. Faced with this situation, I can't help but ask: Is the title of "hard drive devourer" worth fighting for? Does taking up more space equate to a game's ability to present higher quality? In my opinion, the fact is probably not that simple. I firmly believe that even smaller games can have complete systems or rich content. The game #DRIVE aptly validates my claim. Perhaps its most distinctive feature is its small-scale nature. This directly leads to the clear and concise features of the game from all levels without exception. Let me bring you into the seemingly small world of #DRIVE and discover great sincerity.

Yes, you heard that right, I can safely say that this game is full of sincerity. If you want to convert the seemingly abstract expression of "sincere" into substantive phrasing, I think the most suitable term to replace it is probably "completeness". How to quantify the integrity of a game? Let me count the specific number of key elements in the game with me, and use this as the evaluation standard written in black and white in the recommendation. There are protagonists, mission objectives, route maps, vehicles, and a storyline. Well, there are a total of five elements. I believe that although the form is simple, the basic elements are not lost, which is called complete and ensures the overall unity of the game process. This game assertion of mine may seem absurd, but if you think about it, are there many large-scale games that don't strictly adhere to the basic requirement of integrity? After all, the #DRIVE game is about putting energy and cost into the product itself, making the game really fun, rather than over-exposing those side projects.

Although you may still be a little dismissive of this "tiny game", I want to go on and insist on introducing you to what makes it different. What I'm going to talk about is its composition style. #DRIVE is a game that strictly sticks to its bottom line in graphics design, and does not pursue overly exaggerated special effects that is like Hollywood blockbusters. At the same time, it doesn't use a graphics solution that is too mediocre, which would lose its basic respect for players. As you can guess, the game's producers hit a moderate balance, thereby giving the game's graphics a relaxed texture. The easy-to-follow design concept behind it, in my eyes, is something that many game developers should learn.

Another point that cannot be ignored is the difficulty setting. Generally, when we talk about difficulty, we naturally think of the options that often appear on the main menu of the game, namely easy, normal, hard, nightmare, and so on. These are difficulty modes that specifically limit the overall content of a game, and can be switched under certain conditions. And what I want to say here is the kind of established game difficulty, in other words, #DRIVE creatively fixed the difficulty, and it confidently arranged a unified game mode for the whole group of players. This realizes the close combination of the two advantages of convenient operation and concise gameplay. This allows players to relax and immerse themselves in the game, without having to win over the game and be as busy as work.

【Top10-Game's Review】

As I mentioned earlier, #DRIVE has a valuable sense of self-confidence, and it doesn't degenerate into a low-quality shoddy product because of its simple style. On the contrary, it actively expresses its game concept with a positive attitude and strives to form its own game temperament. I think that there will be more discerning players who will discover the true value of this game and choose to drive the car with me and gallop in the game world.

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Editor's Review

Compared to other games,what impressed me most about #DRIVE was the simplicity of operation and the wildness of the picture. I could sprint on endless track and experience the fun of racing with simple operation.

Games are very educational. For example, the game emphasizes driving in a specific place without hitting other objects. No matter where we drive, we can choose a safer way to drive and teach us the basic rules of driving on the road. That's something I've never experienced in any other game.And also it is a highlight of the #DRIVE.

It has no frills, and each vehicle has its own unique driving feel.Meanwhile,#DRIVE is a fun little game with a cool aesthetic, great car selection and lots of personality. I don't need to pay to enjoy the full experience. That is some paying for game can’t compare to.

On the whole,that is a pretty goond game.If you want to improve your reflexes and driving skills, #DRIVE is highly recommended.


